
Just in case that JIRA crack was NOT sarcasm ...

https://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/pricing  How many users would be 
needed?  If going this way, I smell the need for a gateway / JIRA backend 
for the community site and small number of actual JIRA users with the 
creation coming from a single user with some sort of 'community-user' data 
field patched in.  JIRA is certainly flexible and configurable this way and 
capable of interface to other enterprise apps.  We would have to find out 
how to make this work within their terms of service ...

Otherwise, its probably "BYOL" for contributors at about <$7 / month.  i.e. 
possibly "$7/month for each month active", though I think they will change 
for a constant number, which means managing floaters.  While new to this 
community, I suspect that any other arrangement than these two is 
prohibitive.  And even managing floaters for anyone not locked in by 
commitment (contract) to the group adds risk to the group from the whatever 
commitment exists with Atlassian for any fixed number.  This could 
potentially bankrupt the group if not managed correctly.

My other advice is to "KISS" when using JIRA.  All that configuration can 
lead to a tendency for organizations to attempt to solve all of their 
problems building workflows there.  This is VERY STICKY, hence the behemoth 
that Atlassian has become and will continue to be for some time in to the 

Finally, any major changes such as this are like an a manufacturing 
organization changing ERP packages (been through several of those) - they 
NEVER GO WELL, and inevitably, when the smoke clears users will long for 
the old system despite its glaring deficiencies.

I therefore will hold that improvements should be made to Trac in an 
incremental Agile fashion rather than any conversion requiring a waterfall 
rollout.  This is the part where Trac should be STICKY for the group, or 
this will be disruptive.

And besides, I like Python in general and don't to fall victim to 'pay to 
play' to Atlassian / Oracle to develop open source software that, believe 
me, refers everything Python as 'a bunch of scripts'.  I get enough of that 
at work which is part of why I am here.



On Monday, December 10, 2018 at 12:10:05 PM UTC-5, Dan Davis wrote:
> Tom, you are right about the UX issues, but full-text and inverted 
> indexing would help with the responsiveness as well.  Technically, I was 
> talking about djangoproject's TracSearch 
> <https://code.djangoproject.com/search>.  That's closer to good UX as 
> well, because you can get there by progressive enhancement rather than 
> taking stuff away.
> You are also right that switching to another system such as github issues 
> could be a better fix than customizing Trac.   But I find it difficult to 
> believe that Github issues grows up to cover as much workflow management as 
> Trac issues or JIRA.   Maybe we need money to get JIRA.

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