
> On 1 Jun 2021, at 14:35, N Aditya <gojeta.adi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> All I'm looking for is a hook that the transaction APIs can call before 
> deciding on which database to use. I don't see any reason for why providing a 
> hook seems so difficult. 

Just because something is easy to implement doesn't mean it gets added to 
Django. It also needs to be generally useful and well designed. Your proposal 
doesn't meet the second criterion and I'm skeptical about the first one.

Indeed, the get_connection() API you're proposing doesn't take any argument. As 
a consequence, the only way to make it return a different value at different 
times would be to depend on global variables. This is bad software engineering. 
It doesn't meet Django's standards.

(If you don't know why having functions that return different values based on 
global variables is a bad idea, you can search for "global state" in your 
favorite search engine. I'm pretty sure you can find a good blog post 
explaining why. And yes Django suffers from some legacy in this area. We are 
trying to avoid taking more debt.)

Four committers rejected your proposal and suggested alternatives. We're trying 
to help. Pushing the same idea again won't work any better. Please take into 
account the objections and try to find a design that addresses them, or 
implement one of the alternatives we offered.

Thank you,


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