
Thx for your response.

Looking through the release notes and the listed databases I find these version requirements:
- PostgreSQL 10+
- MariaDB 10.2+
- MySQL 5.7+
- Oracle 19c+
- SQLite 3.9.0+

Compared to the UPDATE FROM VALUES pattern requirements:
- MariaDB 10.3.3+
- MySQL 8.0.19+
- Oracle currently no impl at all
- SQLite 3.33+

thus only postgres would work out of the box. Question then is, whether to raise version requirements for django. Imho a good indicator for that might be the age of a db release, its EOL state, and whether it is still part of LTS distros:
- MariaDB 10.2: EOL 04/2022
- MariaDB 10.3: released in 04/2018
  (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is on 10.3 line, 18.04 LTS on 10.1)
  --> prolly safe to raise to 10.3 line?

- MySQL 5.7: EOL 10/2023
- MySQL 8.0: released in 04/2018
  (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS contains 8.0 line, 18.04 LTS on 5.7)
  --> 5.7 is still within lifetime for 1.5ys
  --> Cut old ropes early here?

- SQLite: 3.22 on ubuntu 18.04, 3.31 on ubuntu 20.04
  --> imho 3.33+ cannot be requested here, as upgrading sqlite3
      packages is much more of a hassle for peeps

- others non supported (incl. oracle):
Should there be a default fallback within django? Or should db vendors
be bugged for implementing an abstract interface for UPDATE FROM VALUES?

Especially the last 2 points (sqlite and general db vendor compat) are tricky. Here I think a general fallback within django ORM might be the only way to not let db version issues surface its way to the user. Not sure yet, how practical/maintainable that would be in the end, as it would have to provide 2 internal code paths for the same bulk_update API endpoint:
- fast one, if UPDATE FROM VALUES pattern is supported
- fallback for backends not supporting the fast update pattern

Thinking the problem from a db vendor perspective, it could look like this in a db package (just brainstorming atm):
- a flag indicating support for UPDATE FROM VALUES pattern
- the flag result might be active code, if the db driver has
  to test support on server side (thats the currently case for mysql)
- to provide an easy upgrade path for db vendors, the flag might be missing on the db backend at first (hasattr is your friend)
- if supported: implementation of an abstract ORM interface

While writing this down it kinda became clear to me, that for easy transition of the db backends, a fallback impl in the ORM always would be needed. Furthermore with that flag scheme in the db backends a strict version match is not needed at all, as the db backend could always say "nope, cannot do that" and the fallback would kick in. This fallback could be the current bulk_update impl.

The downside of such an approach is clearly the needed code complexity, furthermore the ORM would leave its mostly(?) ISO/ANSI grounds and have to delegate the real sql creation to vendor specific implementation in the backends.

Yes the current .bulk_update implementation inherits the expression support from .update (kinda passes things along). I am currently not sure, if that can be mimicked 100% around an optimized implementation by pre-/post executing updates for those fields, as col/row ordering might have weird side effects. I'd first need to do some tests how the current implementation deals with field refs while the ref'ed field itself gets updated before/after the ref usage. (Not even sure if thats guaranteed to always do the same thing across db engines) Pre-/posthandling of f-expressions will slow down the code, as those most likely have to go into the SET clause of a second update statement. There might be several faster UNION tricks possible here, but I have not tested those.


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