Will there *not* be a Django ORM implementation of psycopg3 COPY FROM when 
that lands? And, I guess I'll need to figure out when that lands/would land.

On Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 11:07:51 AM UTC-4 j.bre...@netzkolchose.de 

> > pretty quickly, so if you need testing input (Django 3.2, Postgres) I
> > can offer feedback from what I find.
> Yes testing would be awesome, esp. for edge cases (test coverage for 
> default cases is pretty complete for `fast_update` I think).
> > Can you tell me more about this statement:
> > > *Note* copy_update will probably never leave the alpha/PoC-state, as
> > psycopg3 brings great COPY support, which does a more secure value
> > conversion and has a very fast C-version.
> Well I created the `copy_update` alternative for postgres just to see 
> the advantage of COPY FROM over UPDATE FROM VALUES. The impl uses 
> psycopg2's COPY interface, which got heavily revamped in psycopg3, 
> including proper value adapters written C. V2 does not have this yet, 
> therefore I had to create the value encoders in python, which are less 
> strict about values and still ~3 times slower than the C adapters in 
> psycopg3.
> The message above is meant as a warning, that I dont plan to put too 
> much effort into polishing this soon outdated implementation.
> > Where can I learn more about that COPY statement, and how/where that
> > statement might be integrated with the Django ORM?
> Plz check the postgres docs 
> (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-copy.html), it covers all 
> important low level details. Furthermore check psycopg3 docs (and also 
> psycopg2 docs, if you want to get your hands on the `copy__update` impl).
> I dont think that driving `bulk_update` by COPY FROM for postgres is a 
> good idea, there are quite some semantic differences, also it is slower 
> for tiny changesets than UPDATE FROM VALUES, thought it starts to shine 
> for changesets >1000 (up to ~4 times faster for a 1M changeset compared 
> to `fast_update` in my tests). Maybe it can be added to the postgres 
> subpackage, if there is demand for it.
> Feel free to create issues or to comment on open ones. Important pending 
> issues are:
> - proper duplicate check 
> (https://github.com/netzkolchose/django-fast-update/issues/13)
> - good story whether to integrate support for f-expressions back or to 
> keep them out (currently unsupported, as the steps to get this working 
> are very cumbersome)
> Cheers,
> Jerch

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