On Thu, Sep 29, 2022 at 6:19 PM Curtis Maloney <cur...@tinbrain.net> wrote:

> On Thu, 29 Sep 2022, at 14:29, Aaron Smith wrote:
> Why doesn't Django validate Models on save()?
> The short answer is: backwards compatibility.
> Model level validation hasn't always been a thing, with Django initially
> depending primarily on Form validation.
> Since it hadn't _always_ been there, it wasn't possible to introduce it,
> enforce it, and not break most apps out there.
> There was so much code written that generally assumed it could call
> `save()` and not have to catch validation errors.
> For what it's worth, I'm all in favor of making it run on `save()` ...
> updating the documentation and preparing the community is going to be a
> mammoth task, however. A safe course through this will take some very
> careful planning.

Another factor that should be considered is that the Django ORM gives you
plenty of ways to update your database (eg bulk updates on a queryset) that
clearly cannot materialize and validate every object in the queryset. So is
it better to consistently say “the ORM doesn’t validate, forms do,” or
better to say “the ORM will validate on Model.save() but not in various
other cases, so you still can’t really rely on the ORM to enforce model
validation invariants consistently.”



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