How about a new class, `ValidatedModel`, that subclasses `Model` and does 
nothing more than call `full_clean()` on `save()`?

This would be completely backwards compatible, would clearly communicate 
what it does, and when documented right next to `Model` make it fairly 
obvious that Model is something other than validated, hopefully preventing 
many footguns.

Or, and I think this would be better, if the current Model were renamed 
`UnvalidatedModel`, the new validated implementation above were `Model`. 
This upgrade path is a simple string replacement for those legacy codebases 
(Model->UnvalidatedModel), making it abundantly clear they are not 
validated, and new apps following the most naive path (Model) are as safe 
as possible. The new, validated, `` could accept the kwarg 
`validate=False` as an opt-out, which as much as I hate to admit it is an 
important option for some codebases.

On Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 5:19:07 PM UTC-7 

> On Thu, 29 Sep 2022, at 14:29, Aaron Smith wrote:
> Why doesn't Django validate Models on save()?
> The short answer is: backwards compatibility.
> Model level validation hasn't always been a thing, with Django initially 
> depending primarily on Form validation.
> Since it hadn't _always_ been there, it wasn't possible to introduce it, 
> enforce it, and not break most apps out there.
> There was so much code written that generally assumed it could call 
> `save()` and not have to catch validation errors.
> For what it's worth, I'm all in favor of making it run on `save()` ... 
> updating the documentation and preparing the community is going to be a 
> mammoth task, however. A safe course through this will take some very 
> careful planning.
> --
> C

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