Hi all, I'd like to propose a new django filter: *__iin*. As the name 
implies, this filter finds results that match one of the given values, 
ignoring case. In other words, this is a hybrid of *__in *and *__iexact*.

It surprises me that there are filters for* qs.filter(field__iexact='text')*
, *qs.filter(field__icontains='text')*, and *qs.filter(field__in=[**'text']*
*)*, yet there is no *qs.filter(field__iin=[**'text']**)* filter.

I've made a POC for this field in postgres and it seems quite 
straightforward. I'd be happy to try porting into the Django codebase, but 
first I wanted to see if there is interest and/or feedback! Please let me 
know what you think.

*from django.db.models import Fieldfrom django.db.models.lookups import 
In@Field.register_lookupclass IIn(In):    """    Case-insensitive version 
of `__in` filters. Adapted from `In` and `IExact` transformers.    """    
lookup_name = 'iin'    def process_lhs(self, *args, **kwargs):        sql, 
params = super().process_lhs(*args, **kwargs)        sql = f'LOWER({sql})'  
      return sql, params    def process_rhs(self, qn, connection):        
rhs, params = super().process_rhs(qn, connection)        params = 
tuple(p.lower() for p in params)        return rhs, params*

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    • ... 'Adam Johnson' via Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)

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