I'm writing to request support for reconsidering the wontfix of #33981 
<https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/33981>, which squelches the stack 
trace resulting from SuspiciousOperation DisallowedHost introduced in #13910 

#33981 should be reconsidered because discussion of the related issue, 
#13910 , focused strictly on behavioral consistency and code correctness 
but did not include discussion of the impact of this change.

The problem of excessive logs due to vulnerability scans in production 
deployments of Django goes back 10 years to #19866 

The main argument for a noisy DisallowedHost exception back then was to 
reduce the challenge of debugging an improper production configuration of 
Django for production.

In line with that argument, one of the arguments for closing #33981 was the 
desire to "see an exception when a traceback is logged."

However, the concern of needing logging around *this specific exception* 
was seemingly handled 
<https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/19866#comment:6> when 
SuspiciousOperation was originally downgraded to a warning:

"I'm a bit concerned that changing it to a warning leaves us overly-prone 
to not-quickly-detected mis-configuration, but maybe we need to address 
that via something like #17101 <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/17101> 

#17101 was the feature implementation of the --deploy option for the Django 
management command. This feature, combined with the clearly explained 
in Deployment Checklist 
seems to reasonably handle this concern.

However, earlier this year, when PR #13910 
<https://github.com/django/django/pull/13910> provided consistency to 
logging calls from response_for_exception(), the change added a stack trace 
to SuspiciousOperation, (which includes DisallowedHost) and seriously 
buffed the log noise from ongoing vulnerability scans.

Two months ago, someone submitted a PR #33981 
<https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/33981>, suggesting the inclusion of 
stack traces on DisallowedHost was a mistake. 

#33981's author makes the following points:

   1. "Requiring a user to write a custom formatter in order to eliminate 
   an exception trace dump from the logs is, in my view, a useability mistake."
   2. Edited down for brevity: 
   "There are places in the framework where exception handlers serve as a 
   catch-all for exceptions...tracebacks are needed when logs are written from 
   these locations as they are so general and it's too late to find a clean 
   way to handle them all.
   SuspiciousOperation, is a handled exception, handled cleanly and 
   specifically. The probability you want a traceback is low. So why generate 
   a traceback for this well handled exception? That just has the effect of 
   potentially distracting from any other more urgent tracebacks."

I believe both of these points have merit consideration above and beyond 
the historical context and objection handling provided above.

The challenge of production deployment for Django comes up all too often. 
The --deploy option and docs reasonably deal with alerting users to 
ALLOWED_HOSTS configuration gotchas.

SuspiciousOperation exceptions, in general, focus on user behavior around 
common security concerns. Warnings alone provide clear enough indication of 
what has been attempted with stack traces offering limited value. 

In the case of DisallowedHost, including these traces arguably sets every 
production deployment of a Django project up for logs that mostly consist 
of one stack trace being displayed over and over again. 

I want to address one other point: People have complained about the noise 
of DissallowedHost when it was only a Warning in the logs.  

In years past, I've seen these complaints about vulnerability scanning log 
spam deflected to developer's failure to properly configure their web 
server or reverse proxy. ~"Your stack is wrong. This should never reach 

These complaints persist and varying use cases make these kind of 
configuration changes are non-trivial 
This solution to DisallowedHost log noise blows problem of "I just want to 
be able to see my Django application's debug logs" up into a new 
stratosphere of challenge in infrastructure configuration.

The author of #33981 was referred to this mailing list to seek agreement of 
additional consideration from this group. 

Though the author seemed impassioned to express their frustration and 
desire for serious consideration of their points and solution, I did not 
see that they took this costly additional step.

I have again been dealing with this default behavior interfering with good 
faith efforts to view debug logging on an issue on a production Django 
deployment. I feel the PR author's pain and hope their idea gets serious 
consideration. My hope is that others here do as well.

Kind Regards,


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