On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 4:35 PM, dm03514 <dm03...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Virtualenv provides you with more control over your production
> environments.   We run apache/virtualenv on 10 of our production
> servers.
> There very well might be more overhead running through a virtualenv.
> For us it is too negligible to make a difference.
> We use fabric to deploy our django apps, and automatically initiate
> virtualenvs, or update virtualenvs on remote servers.  I think virtual
> env is great on production because it keeps all of our environments on
> the same page.  ie.  If we update a python package to a newer version,
> or roll it back to an older version.  All we have to do is make the
> appropriate changes in our code, change the package version entry in
> our bootstrap.py file and deploy through fabric, no manually managing
> packages on our production servers, nice and simple

There is no more overhead in virtualenv than there is in python
itself. To understand why, you should look at how and why virtualenv
works - you are using a different python interpreter, so that python
interpreter looks in a different place than the stock interpreter.

virtualenv is entirely free magic that makes your deployments more
consistent and repeatable. Use it!



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