On 29/05/2012 10:33pm, KevinE wrote:
Thanks for all the posts - the more I look the more overwhelming web development is getting. Seems every sentence I read requires starting another search to found out WTF this term or that term means.... grrrrrr....

The most important part of the architecture "stack" is the user. It seems to me that as you are the problem-domain expert you are far too valuable a development resource to waste your time on the technicalities. I know you are a savvy user but that might be getting in your way at the moment.

In your place, I would look at the smallest possible useful bit of software I could (more or less) easily develop myself. The key to deciding what to do is identifying the most valuable benefit achievable in the shortest timeframe. That instantly eliminates all the big items. Then you build it and start getting business value from it. Then you open-source it and get a community going.

It would help if you could draw a parallel between your own business requirements and the business requirements of software developers so that the same app would work for both. That way you get an armchair ride and only have to tweak stuff to suit yourself.

Bottom line is that Django will only be an appropriate part of the stack for your app if you embrace developers who are comfortable with Django. If you are going to do it yourself you need to become comfortable with it yourself or use something you know already.

My personal view is that the learning curve for client-side stuff is much steeper than Django on the server side. Also from my perspective it is a very big ask to cover the entire stack by yourself. Django is very nice and you can do most of it yourself if you postpone the really hard stuff until you have more experience or at least can specify it exactly.

It looks like a nice app. Good luck.


Just one question - why would django avoid an offline mode - is that a completely unreasonable/undo-able extension? It seems to me that smartphones may eventually take over normal computers on the web but with the inherent distinction that on a smartphone you are not always guaranteed a data connection. I have been looking at all the mobile development systems and very few (if any) have really dealt with offline mode (not sure how powerful html5 is and whether you could support it for a complete database?)

So if I uncouple my client app am I not losing all the advantages of using django? Seems to me I will be rewriting alot of my code...
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