On 11/23/07, Marcin Kaszynski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to file this as a ticket, but trac kept rejecting it as spam
> even after I removed all the links and changed contents.  I'm posting
> it here because others might find it useful too.

Have you tried creating a login:


Generally, this will convince the spam checker to let you post tickets.

> When you use coverage.py in "manage.py test" it incorrectly reports
> some statements as not executed.  This is a known issue with
> coverage.py.  From http://nedbatchelder.com/code/modules/coverage.html
> :
> "Older versions of doctest interfere with coverage's tracing of
> statements, and you may get reports that none of your code is
> executing. Use this patch[1] to doctest.py if you are experiencing
> problems."

This needs to be opened as a ticket so that it isn't forgotten. If you
create a login and still can't submit a ticket, let me know and I'll
create a ticket for you.

As a side note, there is an existing ticket requesting that we add
coverage support to Django's test system; any suggestions in this area
are welcome.

Russ Magee %-)

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