Thanks for taking the time out to answer all my questions. Much appreciated.
I think I'm quite sold on Django/Python now. Will start digging into it
right away.


On 5/5/08, Michael Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > - Is it possible to create WML files (or for that matter any customised
> > output that is not out there) easily? Especially by way of XML/XSLT.
> Django is really flexible with it's template and HttpResponse system.
> You can specify headers, types and serializations on the fly. Granted
> these types of systems aren't as popular as JSON or other types, but I
> believe that for an all encompassing framework, Django provides you
> with the greatest flexibility on this aspect. Also because it is all
> python, you can do anything python can do.
> > - If so, are there many standard templates that can be downloaded and
> customised?
> Believe it or not, no, and I wouldn't want it any other way. Templates
> are written in pure html with variables punched in. So if there is an
> HTML template that you like you can take that and adapt it to fit your
> new Django site. Or, as I prefer, you can design your site however you
> like, but I am an (x)HTML/CSS guy.
> > - Is there an IDEs that can be used for development?
> Django is python so all python IDEs, Komodo, Wingware, vim, emacs,
> etc., work with django modules. There are plugins throughout the web
> for specific django-only python (models) and for django templates for
> just about any IDE. As i said before the templates are just HTML, so
> any HTML IDE will work with Django templates. I, personally, am a big
> fan of Textmate and VIM, both with django plugins.
> > - Given my basic needs, do you think Django is good, or some other tech
> is better?
> I might be a bit biased, but Django is great and very flexible. Don't
> really know precisely what your needs are, and i am really not that
> familiar with these really in depth cell phone file types. Out of the
> box Django is really powerful and the more you learn python and the
> django internals, you can really do some spectacular things really
> quickly. IMHO for content management, I can't imagine a better
> system.
> Enjoy diving in!
> Michael
> >

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