Sounds like it could be easier to learn by building piecemeal from the  
ground up than working through a dodgy set up.
Keep going to break through the initial stages of getting to grips  
with Django, it'll reward you in the end.

On 19 Nov 2008, at 21:53, Bryan Oakley wrote:

> Thank you. That was certainly part of the problem. I also discovered I
> needed to add django.contrib.auth. And oddly, a problem where I had an
> admindocs (plural) directory but the admin site was looking for
> admindoc (singular).
> Eventually, with your help and some educated guesses I'm finally up
> and running. It's been surprisingly difficult, but I'm not tuned in to
> the django world so maybe these are all known issues.
> Thanks again!
> On Nov 19, 2:49 pm, Ben Eliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> installed apps needs 'django.contrib.sessions',
>> htt...
>> On 19 Nov 2008, at 19:42, Bryan Oakley wrote:
>>> I inherited a django app and I'm trying to enable the admin  
>>> interface
>>> without much luck. When I try to access the admin interface I see  
>>> this
>>> at the end of the error log:
>>> OperationalError: no such table: django_session
>>> Sure enough, it's not in my (sqlite) database. If I create a new
>>> database from scratch that table is not being created:
>>> $ python syncdb
>>> Creating table tests_testinfo
>>> Creating table dashboard_testresult
>>> Creating table django_admin_log
>>> Creating table django_content_type
>>> Installing index for tests.TestInfo model
>>> Installing index for dashboard.TestResult model
>>> Installing index for admin.LogEntry model
>>> $
>>> My includes this:
>>>    'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',
>>>    'django.middleware.gzip.GZipMiddleware',
>>>   'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware',
>>>   'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware',
>>> #    'django.middleware.doc.XViewMiddleware',
>>> )
>>> 'web.tests',
>>> 'web.dashboard',
>>> 'django.contrib.admin',
>>> 'django.contrib.contenttypes',
>>> )
>>> Anyone have advice for what I might be doing wrong?
> >

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