I have a table with a list of corporations; each corp has a field with
it unique number.
There is a table, filled with people, each record contains a field
with a corp's unique field (where each person works)

Task: when displaying info about corporation, also fetch info about
people working at.

Also there are several tables with such relationship with a corp

So, it seems to be a many-to-many relationship.

there is come code

class c12b (models.Model):
    id = models.AutoField (primary_key=True)
    A15 = models.CharField ('Телетайп', max_length=20,  blank= True)
    A17 = models.CharField ('Телекс', max_length=20,  blank= True)
    A19 = models.CharField ('Факс', max_length=40,  blank= True)
    A34  = models.CharField ('Код промышленности',max_length=5,
    A29 = models.CharField ('E-mail', max_length=50, blank=True)
    A30 = models.CharField ('Сайт', max_length=40,  blank= True)
    A3 = models.CharField ( 'ИНН',max_length=10, blank=True)
    A21  = models.CharField ('Реквизиты банка' ,max_length=255,
    A22 = models.CharField ('Код ОКПО', max_length=8, blank=True )
#here I've tried to create a related field
    boss = models.ManyToManyField (Dolgnost, db_column="A22",
    class Meta:

class bosses_table (models.Model):
    c12b = models.ForeignKey (c12b,  to_field="A22")
    dolgnost = models.ForeignKey (Dolgnost,

#in view.py
result = c12b.objects.filter(A34__exact ="02100")
return render_to_response ("prkp/lista.html",  {
{% for i in result %}
    {% for b in i.boss.all %}
    {{ b.U1 }}
    {% endfor %}
    <td>{{ i.boss.U1 }}</td>

Finally I've got an exeption
Caught an exception while rendering:relation "search_bosses_table"
doesn't exist

syncdb says
psycop2.ProgrammingError: there is no unique constaint mathing given
keys for reference table "C12B"

Please, show me a right way (I'm thinking of creating my manager with
a raw sql for this)
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