On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 12:56 PM, Vlatko Salaj <vlatko.sa...@goodone.tk>

> the story of my life... i'm always in minority, fighting for
> survival.
It is entirely possible to fight for the minority without acting this way.

It's unfortunate that you feel like your lifetime of frustration has to be
taken out on this list.  However, despite both public and private warnings
and a brief period of remission, I find you have decided to continue your
abrasive and non-constructive pattern of participation.

Under the procedure in BCP 94, and in coordination with my Area Directors,
your subscription to dmarc@ietf.org has now been placed under moderation
and will remain so until July 10th.  You may still post, but your postings
will be held and will not be approved unless they are both constructive and

You may appeal this decision to Barry Leiba and/or Pete Resnick if you wish.

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