The current spec defines an arc authres method (

We believe there should also be registered ptypes and properties, that
should be stamped (but are not required, as they won't always be available).

As long as AR stamping happens at the end of chain validation, when an ARC
set gets created this stamp will be included in the AAR, and AAR
construction can be clean with no additional language or requirements
necessary in the spec.

What follows below is not sacred, we're just trying to start the

Based upon previous threads (specifically, Brandon's reporting local_policy
thread from May 4th PST) surrounding the AAR and data the WG thought would
be valuable for final receivers and DMARC reports, it looks like stamping
header.b for each dkim signature on the message and smtp.client-id for the
ip address of the originating mail server (if available) would provide
nearly everything asked for with minimal implementation overhead (and no
change to spec except for the IANA registration, and an addition for
RECOMMENDED stamping if warranted).

To dig in to the reasoning behind these two properties:

1) header.b

At the end of an ARC chain, there might be many DKIM signatures on the
message, nearly all of which could be broken on receipt. Additionally,
since there have been multiple hops, it is possible to have several broken
DKIM signatures with the same header.d value that are representative of
different services at different hops.

If each hop stamps the header.b of
every dkim key on the message, then it becomes super clear which keys were
added when, and which dkim pass/fail statuses correspond to which keys so
it can be determined when any individual signature broke.

This is extremely useful as a reporter to help identify broken services at
any stage of DMARC enforcement, and is probably useful for final receivers
reviewing the chain to determine final message disposition; without this
information all the DKIM-Signatures on a message that do not validate and
share the same header.d are indistinguishable.

This stamp removes this ambiguity and adds reporting and trace value.

2) smtp.client-id

The goal here is to track the originating source_ip for DMARC
categorization and reporting. Otherwise, all ARC messages will have a DMARC
report source_ip of the last forwarder, not the originating service. This
will be exceptionally confusing to consumers of DMARC reports.

We know that including an IP address in Authentication-Results has been
persona-non-grata in the past, as authentication results are supposed to
encapsulate the results of an authentication check, not information that
could be used to re-run the authentication downstream.

However, we believe that the client-id is vital trace information for ARC
and DMARC, is useful for categorizing senders within a DMARC report, and is
valuable at p=none, p=quarantine, and p=reject, and as such makes sense
within and contained to the ARC stamp.

Ultimately, if this stamp is wrong for the AR, the client-id could be added
directly in the AAR. The AR stamp is cleaner because it leaves the AAR
generation and spec untouched.

We know there will be disagreement about what to stamp, and welcome
discussion on what's best to track within an AR header as arc status.

I'm happy to suggest language once there's rough consensus in the group.



[image: logo for sig file.png]

Bringing Trust to Email

Seth Blank | Head of Product for Open Source and Protocols
+1-415-894-2724 <415-894-2724>
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