On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 3:17 PM, John Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:

> I think it's fine to sign and hope for the best, but how is a
> validator supposed to tell the difference?  Perhaps we need something
> like cv=restart.

So that's where this specific thread started if you roll back to the very
first message.

The working group considered cv=invalid last year, but there was strong
consensus was against it. The guidance for Sealing cv=invalid Chains
somehow made it into this draft applied to all cv=fail Chains. All Chains
should be Sealed in the same fashion (your AS covers the ARC Set you've
added and all previous ARC Sets), unless the Chain is invalid in which case
you only Seal your own ARC Set.

We could add a comment about cv=invalid into Experimental Considerations.
If not being able to tell the cases apart creates issues, it can absolutely
be added once we are considering the standardization of ARC.
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