On Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 11:15 AM Barry Leiba <barryle...@computer.org>

> Now that we have a consensus call on the main issue that has remained open:
> 1. Do we need to retain our session at IETF 118 and discuss this (or
> something else) further?
> ...or...
> 2. Do we have what we need to finish up the DMARCbis document, and
> should the chairs cancel the session at 118?

A few questions, but they don't demand in-person time if we want to just
deal with them on the list:

* Is there consensus on moving ahead with the idea of a way to indicate
which authentication method(s) the Domain Owner wants Receivers to use?  If
so, it doesn't seem to be in the document yet.

* Given some of the stuff we're hearing in the wings about the utility of
ARC, do we want to talk about it in -bis at all?  The original plan (I
thought) was that if it turned out to be high signal, we could add it as a
third supported method.  I'm hearing positive value from a couple of
operators, but nothing of the form "Yes, this solves the DMARC problem with

* Any open issues in the tracker that would benefit from face time?

I'm happy to repeat my 117 rant at 118.  I don't think much has changed
since then, which makes some of those points more urgent... ;-)

-MSK, participating
dmarc mailing list

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