On Sun, Oct 29, 2023 at 12:35 PM Douglas Foster <
dougfoster.emailstanda...@gmail.com> wrote:

> By contrast, the new tag cannot be effective until DMARCbis is published
> and filtering software updated.  This involves years.  Even then, domain
> owners will never have confidence that the new token support has been
> implemented by all recipient evaluators.

At least on its face, this is a big concern.  A domain owner publishing
"auth=dkim" is going to get varying results as some sites update to
software supporting such a tag while others ignore it.  I don't know if the
potential for some benefit is a desirable trade for the potential for some

Seems like a slam dunk for SPF neutral.  I said the problem and it's
> solution needs to be laid out in our document because I am one of those who
> did not understand it as a possible strategy

I think I agree.

-MSK, p11g
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