Thank to both of you.

@Murray: Re-reading the sentences with your input, that would make sense

@Todd: Indeed, DMARCbis is pretty clear about it.

I look forward for DMARCbis to be published, as that will  lead to one less 
edge-case to worry about.


On Jan 11, 2024, at 13:46, Murray S. Kucherawy <> wrote:

In addition to what Todd offered:

On Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 11:51 AM Damien Alexandre 
The RFC first states:

"Messages bearing a single RFC5322.From field containing multiple
addresses (and, thus, multiple domain names to be evaluated) are
typically rejected because the sorts of mail normally protected by
DMARC do not use this format;”

And a few lines below:

"The case of a syntactically valid multi-valued RFC5322.From field
presents a particular challenge. The process in this case is to
apply the DMARC check using each of those domains found in the
RFC5322.From field as the Author Domain and apply the most strict
policy selected among the checks that fail.”

I find the two propositions quite contradictory and not sure which one should 
be applied.

What I recall from when we wrote that was that the first paragraph really means 
"Most MTAs reject this anyway so it shouldn't even get to your DMARC filter" 
and the second means "If it does get to you, here's how you should probably 

-MSK, participating
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