Hi Jouni,

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Jouni Korhonen <jouni.nos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Folks,
> The agenda has been slightly updated (shuffling around the slots and
> arranging more time to the charter/next steps discussion). Some presenters
> are affected slightly (-5 minutes). see
> http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/90/agenda/agenda-90-dmm
> Regarding the re-chartering and the next steps. We have a tight deadline to
> meet if we want to ship the new charter text to the next IESG telechat.
> Brian will reveal the gory details of the expected re-chartering process and
> timelines.
> We are also supposed to come up (again) with a rought agreement of the
> deployment architecture(s) that DMM "functional elements" map into. This
> will be discussed as a part of the re-chartering slot and recapping the
> discussions we had earlier.
> We are also supposed to come up with a rough agreement how to progress from
> now on. This could mean (note the conditionality here) a series of interim
> meetings and setting up small groups (or design teams) to work on the
> initial set of the solution space drafts. We need to step out of the
> "progress every second IETF meeting" mode ;)

Design teams?

Do you know about netlmm experience? I looked at netlmm WG pages on
tools.ietf.org. DT had a draft:


Please look at this protocol and compare with RFC 5213 which was the
final product of netlmm.

Some of you may remember, PMIPv6 proposal came in from nowhere and in
a historic WG meeting that proposal took over.

So my question is what guarantees that is the DT is going to produce
the right solution and why repeat the history again?



> Also keep in mind that the start of the new work poses some serialization
> whether we want or now: first stabilize charter & reach rough consensus on
> the deployment models/functional elements. These can be done in parallel.
> Note that rough consensus does not mean a ready spec or spec at all. Second
> execute with the solutions space.. the deployment models work might benefit
> from having a slight heads up before other drafts. These can be done in
> parallel, though. As a reminder, the charter may change on the route before
> it gets approved but we can do the opportunistic thing and start working as
> if the charter were already "approved" when the WG ships it.
> - Jouni & Dapeng
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