On Thu, 14 May 2015 22:15:50 +0200
Svante Signell <svante.sign...@gmail.com> wrote:

> People are working _now_ on eudev as a replacement for udev until vdev
> is finished. It might even be a good replacement for udev already for
> the devuan jessie release. What do you do, except chat?

The best thing to do with those who "just chat" is to ignore them, and
if that's difficult pipe them to /dev/null. Ignoring them removes the
charge they get out of starting arguments, and greatly increases signal
to noise. If somebody repeatedly posts viewpoints adverse to the very
core beliefs of Mailing List A, when Mailing Lists B, C and D are
friendly to those same viewpoints, you know what his motive is, and can
send him packing by ignoring him.

I'm not saying this exclusively to you, Svante. I'm making a broader
point to everyone. There's a guy, whom I /dev/nulled years ago, who
for years has repeatedly dissed Linux and promoted Windows on the
oc...@mailman.oclug.org mailing list. Unfortunately, every time this
guy posts, five or ten regulars argue with his latest repeated
and perfectly predictable post, starting a big hoo-ha. And this is how
the Linux disser controls the ebb and flow of the OCLUG Linux mailing


Steve Litt 
May 2015 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business
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