On 2016-12-29 12:27, KatolaZ wrote:
On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 01:18:34PM -0500, Steve Litt wrote:
Hi all,

Fsmithred and I have put a heckofa lot of time into this, and frankly
need help from everyone who can reproduce this problem (Fsmithred

The problem is this:  When you run either Refracta or Devuan Jessie
Beta 2 in a Qemu guest (on a Void Linux host), run the GUI, and click
the mouse in the guest so that the mouse is captured by the guest:

1) You cannot get the mouse pointer to go outside the guest window,
   whether or not you press the ungrab hotkey.

2) Pressing the hotkey that would ordinarily get you to another
   workspace on the host doesn't work.

3) As a result, your only way of using other programs on the host is to:
    a) Log out of the gui so you're confronted with the login window,
b) Press the ungrab key combo, and c) move the mouse where you want
    it to go.


it looks like whatever-desktop-envinroment you are using on the *host*
system is grabbing the default hot-key sequence to exit from qemu
(which is Ctrl+Alt). You may try to start qemu with either "-alt-grab"
or "-ctrl-grab", which would change the ungrab sequence to
"Ctrl-Shift-Alt" or "Right-Ctrl", respectively. Or instead you can try
to execute qemu from an X session without a DM (i.e., started with
"xinit /usr/bin/xterm -- :1").




Testing just now for Steve and am able to move the cursor freely from guest to host and back again. Release key was required earlier this month. Go figure . . .

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