Hendrik Boom wrote on 02.01.2018 16:46:
> On Tue, Jan 02, 2018 at 11:04:32AM +0100, Didier Kryn wrote:
>> Le 02/01/2018 à 03:40, Hendrik Boom a écrit :
>>> I've been using ROXterm in Devuan ascii.
>>     In which repository did you find roxterm? I can find rox-filer (which
>> needs some hand-made configuration) in ASCII, but not roxterm.
> I'm not sure.  Possibly somewhere Steve Litt recommended, but I no longer 
> know.  I'll investigate on the off chance I'll find out.
> If it's not in Devuan, obviously it's not a Devuan problem.

In case you become interested in a replacement with a similar 
feature set, yet still small-ish footprint and reasonable list 
of dependencies: I can recommend sakura! I've been using it for 
years now (after gnome-terminal and its clones went belly-up 
along with the rest of the train wreck that once was a workable 
desktop environment) and never had reason to look back or complain. 

Terminator would be another alternative. However, to me it feels 
a bit sluggish — might have to do with it being seemingly written
entirely(?) in python.

Sapere aude!
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