Didier Kryn wrote on 02.01.2018 17:37:
> Le 02/01/2018 à 17:13, Irrwahn a écrit :
>> In case you become interested in a replacement with a similar
>> feature set, yet still small-ish footprint and reasonable list
>> of dependencies: I can recommend sakura! I've been using it for
>> years now (after gnome-terminal and its clones went belly-up
>> along with the rest of the train wreck that once was a workable
>> desktop environment) and never had reason to look back or complain.
>> Terminator would be another alternative. However, to me it feels
>> a bit sluggish — might have to do with it being seemingly written
>> entirely(?) in python.

>      I was a long time user of gnome-terminal. I found recently that 
> xfce4-terminal is very close. xfce4-terminal has the same dependency as 
> roxterm on libvte and libcairo. sakura seems has a very similar 
> dependency list. Both sakura and xfce4-terminal depend on the newer 
> version of libvte (2.91). Seems roxterm is delayed or has been dropped.

Yes, xfce4-terminal is quite usable, too, and I just found out I 
still have it installed. ATM I cannot recall why I stopped using it.
Might have tripped over a borked version at some point in the past?

According to:
there are roxterm packages in Debian Jessie and Sid, but I have no 
clue why it was dropped from Stretch. Situations like this to me 
smell like negligent package maintenance, so I tend to stay away 
from those, unless it is absolutely essential to me. (In which case 
I'd try to coerce the unstable version into whatever suite I'm 
actually using. The standard disclaimer about "Franken-De(bi|vu)an" 
systems applies, of course.)

Sapere aude!
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