Steve Litt wrote on 03.01.2018 16:21:
> On Tue, 2 Jan 2018 17:13:50 +0100
> Irrwahn <> wrote:
>> In case you become interested in a replacement with a similar 
>> feature set, yet still small-ish footprint and reasonable list 
>> of dependencies: I can recommend sakura! I've been using it for 
>> years now 
> Irrwahn, thanks for turning me on to Sakura. I'll be using it a lot in
> the future.

You're welcome. ;o)

> Sakura is a great terminal emulator with abyssmal documentation. None
> of its features or operations are discoverable until you learn that its
> configuration is contained in ~/.config/sakura/sakura.conf, and even
> then you must figure out by trial and error, by reading the source, or
> by verbal history passed from father to son, that every hotkey mentioned
> must be used in conjunction with the Shift+Ctrl combination.
> Next step is to look inside sakura.c, at the #define statements,
> particularly the ones that /DEFAULT_.*_ACCELERATOR/. Compare those
> defaults the accelerator declarations in sakura.conf as it ships from
> the factory, and you find that the accelerators are the

Well, a good portion of the info you provide (in the part I snipped)
is contained, or at least pointed to, in the sakura man-page. Though 
I have to admit its author could have been a bit more verbose about
some aspects. Otherwise I have to agree with your sentiment: Since 
I've been using it, I never felt the need to look for alternatives.

Best regards

Sapere aude!
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