On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 02:34:52PM -0400, Haines Brown wrote:
>   allow hotplug eth0

I believe that should be allow-hotplug but since I'm still running
jessie, it's possible this has changed in Ascii.

>   iface inet eth0 dhcp
>   auto wlx2824ff1a1794

You might want to replace that auto with another allow-hotplug.

>   iface wlx2824ff1a1794 inet dhcp
>     wpa-driver nl80211
>     wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf

> # ifconfig returns:
>   eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
>   inet = ...
>   ...
>   wlx28924ff1a17894 flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
>   inet =  ...
>   ...
> I'm surprised to see both interfaces assigned an IP address even though
> I'm currently using ethernet wired.

Since you defined your usb interface in interfaces with auto instead
of allow-hotplug, that doesn't surprise me.

> One problem is that no mail gets out. Exim main log says: "lookup failed
> for all hosts in smarthost router: host_find_failed=ignore
> hosts_all_ignore=defer. No IP address found for host...  Is this normal,
> or does it point to trouble?

I'd say points to trouble. If you're able to browse the web though,
then this is probably an exim misconfiguration rather than the same issue.

> Another problem is that I can't switch from eth0 to wlx2894ff1a1794. If
> I do # ifconfig eth0 down and # ifconfig wlx2824ff1a up, I see in 
> # inconfig that eth0 has no stanza and that the wlx2824ffla1794
> interface is not RUNNING. Can't ping or browse the web (failure in name
> resolution). 

You want to do 
ifdown eth0
ifup wlx2824ff1a
Did you read interfaces(5), ifup(8), and ifdown(8)? If you haven't,
and it sounds like you haven't, go read them. Otherwise you're
attempting to do something without having read the fine manual, and
that is sure to fail.


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