Le 10/07/2018 à 20:34, Haines Brown a écrit :
I've still not got things working.

# iwconfig shows my USB network dongle to have the value:  wlx2824ff1a1794
So in /etc/network/interfaces I have:

   auto lo
   iface lo inet loopback

   allow hotplug eth0
   iface inet eth0 dhcp
auto wlx2824ff1a1794
   iface wlx2824ff1a1794 inet dhcp
     wpa-driver nl80211
     wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf

The file /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf has:


# ifconfig returns:

   eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
   inet = ...

   wlx28924ff1a17894 flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
   inet =  ...

I'm surprised to see both interfaces assigned an IP address even though
I'm currently using ethernet wired.

One problem is that no mail gets out. Exim main log says: "lookup failed
for all hosts in smarthost router: host_find_failed=ignore
hosts_all_ignore=defer. No IP address found for host...  Is this normal,
or does it point to trouble?

Another problem is that I can't switch from eth0 to wlx2894ff1a1794. If
I do # ifconfig eth0 down and # ifconfig wlx2824ff1a up, I see in
# inconfig that eth0 has no stanza and that the wlx2824ffla1794
interface is not RUNNING. Can't ping or browse the web (failure in name

If I restart the network, eth0 is RUNNING, but gets a different address: wlx2824ff1a1974 is also RUNNING, but with old address.
I now have no internet access (ping times out), and to recover it I
have to bring wlx2824ff1a1794 down.

    As said by Gregory Novak, the keyword is "allow-hotplug". All these keywords are interpreted by ifupdown scripts.

    If you want to switch between ethernet and wifi, you need a daemon which disconnects wifi when ethernet is plugged in. This is ifplugd or netplug. I never tried netplug, but ifplugd, despite being poterware, just works, and doesn't require to edit the config file - just run 'dpkg-reconfigure ifplugd'.

    For ethernet, you definitely need allow-hotplug and not auto. For wifi, it is possible you need both; this is my case and I don't know exactly why. The iniscript which is part of net-tools also needs some hack; otherwise you will experience your start-up sequence to eventually hold on for 30s or more waiting for the wifi interface to be configured when there is no available wifi hub, until time-out. I've already posted that hack on the list, but could do it again.


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