On 23/11/2018 16:45, Paul Hoffman wrote:

The current round of pushback, all of which appeared after the standard was finished, seems to mostly be coming from DNS vendors, not ISPs or DNS operators.

There was _plenty_ of pushback when this got presented at UKNOT,
especially among those ISPs that are currently using government-
mandated DNS-based blocking of CAI sites.

During the development of the DoH standard, people from many DNS vendors (including the one you work for) contributed to the spec without objection in the WG.

I wouldn't say it was "without objection", because there were clearly some significant impedance mismatches to resolve, both between the HTTP and DNS people, and between the HTTP and DNS protocols.

Personally, I thought we were working on a means to provide an *ad-hoc*
DNS resolution and validation method in certain environments, and along
the way allow JS web-apps to perform proper DNS lookups.

The objections started when we heard that a particular browser vendor
wanted to make this ubiquitous for *all* DNS lookups.


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