My configuration:

Manjaro Linux, 32-bit, one ethernet card. It is connected to a router with a 
cable, the router is connected to my ISP also with a cable. A netbook is 
connected to the router via Wi-Fi.
On the PC:
Avahi is installed and enabled (avahi-daemon active), 
systemd-resolved is disabled
/etc/resolv.conf is usually filled by NetworkManager, but just before changing 
dnsmasq.conf and restarting it with different options I manually edited it 
(/etc/resolv.conf) and left only one line: "nameserver" (router 

Results of "systemctl status dnsmasq.service":

1. With both lines ("local=/local/" and "server=/local/") commented:
Dec 13 19:32:53 DenDesktop dnsmasq[2564]: dnsmasq: syntax check OK.
Dec 13 19:32:53 DenDesktop systemd[1]: Started A lightweight DHCP and caching 
DNS server.
Dec 13 19:32:53 DenDesktop dnsmasq[2565]: started, version 2.80 cachesize 150
Dec 13 19:32:53 DenDesktop dnsmasq[2565]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt 
DBus i18n IDN2 DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP conntrack ipset auth>
Dec 13 19:32:53 DenDesktop dnsmasq[2565]: DBus support enabled: connected to 
system bus
Dec 13 19:32:53 DenDesktop dnsmasq[2565]: reading /etc/resolv.conf
Dec 13 19:32:53 DenDesktop dnsmasq[2565]: using nameserver
Dec 13 19:32:53 DenDesktop dnsmasq[2565]: read /etc/hosts - 5 addresses

2. With only "local=/local/" uncommented:
(1) + one line:
Dec 13 19:48:52 DenDesktop dnsmasq[3122]: using local addresses only for domain 

3. With only "server=/local/" uncommented:
(1) + one line:
Dec 13 19:38:36 DenDesktop dnsmasq[2788]: ignoring nameserver - local 

4. With both lines uncommented:
(1) + (2) + (3)

In all these cases my PC's ip address ( is resolved to my PC's name 
(DenDesktop). If I "ping DenDesktop.local", the result is:
'PING DenDesktop.local ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.029 ms'

If I manually insert "nameserver" into /etc/resolv.conf above all 
other nameservers and enable option "strict-order" in dnsmasq.conf, ONLY THEN 
local names are resolved, i.e. "ping DenDesktop.local" output is:
'PING DenDesktop.local ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from DenDesktop.local ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.027 ms'

I thought that "server=/local/" was a functional equivalent of doing 
exactly that (putting the line "nameserver" into the beginning of 
/etc/resolv.conf): first checked for domain local, then went to 
/etc/resolv.conf for other nameservers. It seems that the man page says that. 
So I don't understand why it is not working.

Denis Shadrin

On Thu, 13 Dec 2018 09:54:44 +0100
Geert Stappers <> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 07:44:14AM +0300, Denis wrote:
> > Hello, everyone!
> > 
> > In my dnsmasq.conf "server=/local/" doesn't seem to work.
> > At least, it doesn't work how I thought it was supposed to work. I
> > was under the impression that server=/$domainname/$address should
> > cause the $domainname to be looked up only in $address. However,
> > like I said, I have the line "server=/local/", dnsmasq
> > --test returns "syntax check OK", but my *.local names are not
> > resolved.
> > 
> > Here's the full content of my dnsmasq.conf:
> > 
> > domain-needed
> > bogus-priv
> > strict-order
> > server=/local/
> > local=/local/
> > listen-address=
> > no-dhcp-interface=
> > expand-hosts
> > domain=local
> > 
> > Am I missing something, or is this option not supposed to work like
> > I think?  
> Text from the manual page of dnsmasq
> |  -S,   --local,
> --server=[/[<domain>]/[domain/]][<ipaddr>[#<port>][@<source-ip>|<interface>[#<port>]]
> |              Specify IP address of upstream servers directly. |
> |  local is a synonym for server 
> Comment out your 'server=' and 'local=' lines or remove them.
> Try again and report back.
> If the "*.local" still aren't resolved. Tell more how it is done.
> (programs and computer being used, what should be the result, why)
> I'm asking because the
> > listen-address=  
> is somewhat strange ..
> Groeten
> Geert Stappers

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