
This message is slightly offtopic, but this is the best list for reaching
all DNS implementors I think.  And I need your help!

After ten years of nagging, PowerDNS Authoritative Server implemented
'automatic binding to ALL IPv4 and IPv6 addresses'. We do so using the
setsockopt/sendmsg/recvmsg flags that allow for the capturing of the 'real'
destination address of a packet received in or ::.

In attempting to implement this, we found missing documentation, wrong
documentation and odd #defines that are required on some platforms.

I've bundled the whole story in a blogpost on

My question is: do any of the implementors have anything to add to this
page? Especially DNS relevant things. 

The post is currently short on details for Solaris and Windows. If you have
clues, please share!


PowerDNS Website: http://www.powerdns.com/
PowerDNS Community Website: http://wiki.powerdns.com/
PowerDNS is supported and developed by Netherlabs: http://www.netherlabs.nl
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