On 11/9/18 05:03, Matthijs Mekking wrote:

It seems that everyone thinks that the latest ANAME draft requires DNS UPDATE. This is just a use case that Tony provides and would help him in his daily operations. However, it is not required to do so: ANAME resolution can also happen by updating the zone file before loading it into the primary server. Or it may happen in the authority server if people desire to implement it there.

I think the draft should be updated to make that absolutely clear. The draft should standardize how ANAME resolution is done, and what it means to have ANAME and sibling address records in the zone for address rtype (A, AAAA, ...) and ANAME query lookup.


Second, and relatedly, I think the TTLs of replacement records established for non-transfer responses are too high. Respecting the TTL of every record in a chain that starts with the ANAME requires the TTL of final replacement records to be no higher than the minimum TTL encountered over the chain, potentially /reduced/ nondeterministically to mitigate query bunching. I would therefore add language encouraging resolvers synthesizing those records to engage in best-effort determination of original TTLs by (e.g., by directly querying authoritative servers and refreshing at 50% remaining), but *requiring* them to decrement TTLs of records for which they are not authoritative.

I agree, the TTL language in this document is not ready and needs more discussion.

If folks have some suggested text, please should send it along.

And finally, back on the question of what ANAME sibling address records actually represent, I think that NXDOMAIN and NODATA results should be treated as errors for the purposes of ANAME sibling replacement. This position can be justified on both practical and principled grounds—replacing functional records with an empty RRSet is undesirable for DNS users (or at least the sample of them that are Oracle+Dyn customers), and could inappropriately stretch the maximum specified ANAME sibling TTL (on the ANAME record itself) to the SOA MINIMUM value (which is doubly bad, because it results in extended caching of the /least/ valuable state). And adding insult to injury, resolvers in general will not even have the SOA, and will need to perform more lookups in order to issue a proper negative response of their own. Let's please just eliminate all of that by specifying that ANAME processing can never replace something with nothing.


"ANAME processing can never replace something with nothing"  should also be mentioned in the document.

Mr Gibson also mentioned this:
P.P.S. I think it has been discussed before, but this document should also introduce and use a new "Address RTYPE" registry or subregistry, rather than forever constraining ANAME exclusively to A and AAAA.

I think that should be discussed.

thanks Matthijs,


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