It might be worth clarifying what the actual scope of this proposal is.  I 
think that the idea is to say “look, if you want to use a private name, these 
names are known to be safe.”   It’s not to say “the IETF hereby declares that 
the following names are safe,” but rather “the IETF is reporting that these 
names have been declared safe by this other SDO.”

The point of making this recommendation is that we know that people will have 
reasons to privately use domains that have not been allocated to them out of 
the global namespace, and we’ve seen the problems that such private allocations 
cause when they are done in an unsafe manner.  The advice here is on how to 
avoid making that mistake.   It’s not a TLD allocation by IETF: those TLDs are 
already effectively allocated.

Is that about right?

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