On 20.10.22 21:13, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
Hi Eliot,

Still employed and still not speaking for them, I have a question:

On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 10:15:22AM +0200, Eliot Lear wrote:

As a matter of practicality, a registry surely will be form.

What evidence do you have for this assertion?

They're asking for the registry.  Do you think IANA hold some special value to them?  And it's a common coding pattern to provide a code switch.  You're asking the wrong question: why would they not?

As a practical matter, after all, if a registry function were wanted there _already is one_ in the form of any trivial name you can think of in the DNS (I think Joe Abley has made this point rather well on the list already).

We are rehashing, and that's a non-sequitor to the argument at hand, which is whether there should be a protocol switch inside .ALT.   But to answer your question anyway, as was answered previously, there's no reason for these people to continuously pay money to anyone for something that benefits others.


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