Joe Abley wrote on 2023-07-17 12:50:
On Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 21:41, Brian Dickson < <mailto:On%20Mon,%20Jul%2017,%202023%20at%2021:41,%20Brian%20Dickson%20%3C%3Ca%20href=>> wrote:
TCP traffic is several orders of magnitude more expensive than UDP.
Anything that bumps up the proportion of TCP traffic in a statistically meaningful way causes issues.

I see UDP as a legacy transport, required for backwards comparability but that's about it. The writing is very much on the wall, there.


If the stability of anybody's infrastructure depends on people choosing a particular transport, I would suggest they might have reason to be worried. Simply hoping that people don't start using TCP in a significant way is putting your stability in a lot of other peoples' hands.
also -1. state has mass. avoiding it will remain worthwhile.

P Vixie

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