On 7/18/23 7:42 PM, George Michaelson wrote:
I know, I could submit these to the PSL website directly. I am asking a meta question: do we think that operationally, if a PSL exists, that all ccTLD and TLD should be on it?

I'm of mixed opinion.

I see the value in having ccTLDs and TLDs on the PSL.

But, as you speak to, I think that this choice should be left up to the *TLD operator.

I could have asked this on dns-operations, my wondering here is that maybe we need to suggest to ICANN that it's a formalism?

My understanding, and hope, -- maybe it's a pedistal -- is that IETF et al. are /technical/ in nature while being as /apolitical/ as possible.

To this end I fear that specifying if a *TLD should be on the PSL or not is questionable and could easily become political.

Then there is the issue of is the PSL official / formal enough that other things can formally reference it's use?

Operationally ... it exists ....

Agreed. Even if the PSL as it exists today disappears tomorrow, the concept of a PSL exists and will be quickly re-produced.

So, given it exists, systems are coded to behave against it, and not having SOME ccTLD (and I would posit gTLD) on it, means they don't match as "first class citizens" the behaviour the PSL brings.
I agree with the concern and disequality. However I have concerns that we would be meddling in in the *TLD operators business.

I could also understand a pushback "somebody else's business" or "take it up with ICANN directly there's no IETF in this" as well as "the CCTLD self manage, nobody tells them what to do"

I could see some value in unofficially recommending that *TLDs be placed on the PSL while leaving it up to the PSL operator to choose to do so or not.

(the PSL is discussed from time to time here)

The recent mailop thread about AOL/Yahoo requiring SOAs and how it relates to the PSL comes to mind.

In short, I wouldn't vote against adding *TLDs to the PSL. But I don't think I'd vote for it either. I'd abstain and respect the *TLD operator's choice.

Grant. . . .

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