I do see problems with the figures when I use the menu Insert -> File on a
blank document to insert AOO41GS2.odt. Instead of a problem with one
figure, I saw problems with figures 2,4,11,12, and 17. The document showed
a placedholder rather than the actual figure. I could delete the
placeholder and copy and paste the figures from the chapter file in most of
the cases. For figures 12 and 17, I had to delete the frame intended to
hold the figure, delete the placeholder (which was somehow not in the
frame), insert a new frame, and then copy over the figure from the chapter
If you turn on View -> Nonprinting Characters, you can see that figures 12
and 17 are unusual. The figure caption is preceded by several empty
paragraphs. I bet I did something wrong when I inserted those figures long
I inserted AOO41GS3.odt without any problems.


On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 11:21 AM F Campos Costero <fjcc.apa...@gmail.com>

> Hi Keith,
> I'll try to compile the complete book later today. To make sure we are
> working with the same files, please confirm that:
> 1. You are using the template file AOOdoc.ott from the Templates branch
> 2. The odt chapter files are in the Getting-Sarted-Guide branch in the
> ForWiki folder
> 3. The Aoo41GSFrontMatter.odt file is the one at the top level of the
> Getting-sarted-Guide branch.
> Which figure in chapter 1 is causing problems?
> Regards,
> Francis
> On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 9:47 AM Keith N. McKenna <
> keith.mcke...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> I am having difficulty compiling the Complete book for the Getting
>> Started Guide. All the chapters  except Chapter 1 (AOO41GS2) Compile
>> perfectly. There is one figure in chapter 1 that does not come through
>> properly. It is there in the Chapter file, but not the the complete
>> book. If one of you could try to compile it and see if there is still a
>> problem it would be greatly appreciated.
>> The way I have been doing it is to create a blank writer file from the
>> AOO Template and then insert the chapters along with any manual breaks
>> as needed, then at the top insert Aoo41GSFrontMatter.odt which contains
>> the Tittle Page, Copyright Page and a blank TOC.
>> Thank a lot for the help
>> Regards
>> Keith
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