As you seem to be a current worker bee, you might want to examine the work-in-process, revised version 3.3.3 chapter template that I am working on. It contains edit tracking of the changes so far, plus some comments that were inserted via the Insert menu. You can then see how an edited version of a document should appear.

My defaults for edit tracking are to employ green underlines for additions, red strike-throughs for deletions, and bold blue for most format changes. Some format changes do not show up in the edit changes with LO or OOo. So, for those that do not appear, an editor should employ comments, which will appear at the right side of the document. Some of those untracked changes are those involved with vertical table alignment, for example.

In the event you want to move material around in a document being edited, plus use edit-tracking on a moved paragraph, entire subsection, or whatever, there are two ways to do that. (1) Employ two versions of the document, with edit tracking employed in each document--make the edits in the first, and afterward move the material in the second document. (2) The second means is to turn off edit tracking for the moves and afterward restore edit tracking again. Then, use comments to describe just what got moved and from where. The point to remember is that if you move content after it was edit tracked, the move will destroy the edit-tracked changes (accepts them, by default). That may not be desirable.

I generally park things being worked on in one or another of my (mostly way incomplete) forum websites. The forums serve as chronicles of sorts, so that I know where the stuff was parked, plus copious notes and such in topic messages. Also, anybody (registered...) could comment on them, although I generally do not make notice much of any forum, other than an e-mail signature or rare explicit links from e-mails. The revised template was parked there recently, and can be accessed at: LO templates <>, where the template and its AutoText BAU file can be downloaded.


On 7/5/2011 12:24 PM, Jaimon Jacob wrote:

Yeah. I should have gone through it more carefully. I got it now, but I have a 
doubt about the Impress guide. The images had been updated by Song with 
Ambiance theme, so they need to be updated with windows xp theme now?  Sorry 
for being too doubtful..


From: Gary Schnabl<>

The OOo/LO template exposition concerning the contributor names included
the advice to use Shit+Enter (similar to<br />  in XHTML) as a forced
line break between names, so that question of the original poster need
not have been made--assuming that the instructions in the template
exposition were followed.

But again, there is no harm in asking...

As to pasting: the unformatted paste (Ctrl+Shift+V) is often more useful
when pasting the clipboard contents from different documents, especially
if different apps were used.



Gary Schnabl
Southwest Detroit, two miles NORTH! of Canada--Windsor, that is...

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