On 02/23/2013 02:37 PM, Girvin R. Herr wrote:
I am about to create a figure in Draw for one of the Base Guide documents. I can either create an external Draw file and insert that file into the document, or I can use the embedded (OLE) Draw version and have the figure embedded in the document. The former requires the Draw file to be maintained (saved) along with the document, risk being lost, and if lost, need to be re-created if future editing is required. The OLE version goes with the document, has no additional file to maintain, and will always be there for future editing. I prefer the OLE style, but what is the consensus of the documentation team?
Girvin Herr
My suggestion is to create the figure in Draw, save it as a graphic file (usually PNG), and then insert the picture into the document. The team started to save all the screen shots used in each chapter, zip them into a file, and then upload that with document you are working on. I had already place all of the graphics I have used in each one of the Base chapters that I have done any writing in. I just had not uploaded the zipped graphics files. So, I corrected that just now. You should find these files in the Draft folder. (PlanningDesigningDatabase.zip for chapter 2 and DataInputAndRemoval for chapter 3.) I would appreciate if you would add any graphics to the appropriate graphic file. When you have finished the chapter upload both the chapter and graphic file if there are any additions. Just add your initials (_GRH_) and date uploaded.


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