Hi :)
Errr, i think a few confusions going on.  Hopefully by team-leader you mean Dan 
(for Base) or Jean (the whole Docs Team).  

When i put pictures in a document i usually just grab the image from the 
file-browser and drop it into the document and then resize, change anchor type 
and drag it into position.  Is that not OLE?  Clearly it's not DDL (or whatever 
that was) because i don't have to keep the image file handy.  (well, i do jic 
but only because of the bugs thing)

If i need to edit an image i never even try from inside the document.  It's 
either back tot he original or latest version i can find or right-click the 
image and save it outside the document.  It just feels wrong doing it inside 
the document but i might try it a few times from now on.
Regards from 

Tom :)  

> From: Girvin R. Herr <girvin.h...@sbcglobal.net>
>To: Peter Schofield <psaut...@gmail.com> 
>Cc: Lo documentation <documentation@global.libreoffice.org> 
>Sent: Sunday, 24 February 2013, 22:04
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-documentation] How to insert or embed drawings
>Thanks for the suggestion.
>Your last sentence appears to me to be confused.  When I state Draw OLE 
>object, what I mean is:
>   Insert -> Object -> OLE Object ->  LibreOffice 3.6 Drawing
>This creates a drawing at the cursor "directly in Writer", as you say, not as 
>a separate file.
>I have been doing a lot of drawings in my many documents this way and I have 
>never had a problem with it.  No such lost links.  It seems to me that if the 
>drawing and the method to edit it were in the document itself, and not in an 
>external file, it would be a lot safer, accessible, and stable.  But that is 
>just my opinion.  This is now a moot point, since that opinion has been 
>overridden by the document team leader, who prefers inserting separate files 
>and keeping them in a zipped file in the same directory as the document.  
>That's okay with me too, if that is the policy.  That is why I asked the 
>original question - what is the preference?
>IMHO, the only downside of using Draw as an OLE is that the OLE version of 
>Draw has a feature subset of the stand-alone Draw program.  For example, the 
>OLE Draw does not have the Zoom capability, which makes it difficult sometimes 
>to view the drawing properly when working on it.  It also has some strange 
>interactions with the document frame that it goes into, making it difficult to 
>get the scale and position as one wants it inside the frame.  That can be 
>annoying sometimes and I am not privy as to why it was done that way.
>Thanks again.
>Girvin Herr
>Peter Schofield wrote:
>> Hello Girvin
>> When I grab a screen shot or create an illustration, I save it as a PNG 
>> file. I then copy the file and paste it into a Writer document.
>> In my opinion, OLE objects are only really useful if your document is 
>> staying within the same directory structure because a link to an OLE object 
>> can easily be broken. I avoid OLE objects because the documents I create do 
>> get moved around a lot. Copy and paste or creating drawings directly in 
>> Writer should be a lot safer from getting lost.
>> Regards
>> Peter Schofield
>> psaut...@gmail.com
>> On 23 Feb 2013, at 20:37, Girvin R. Herr wrote:
>>> Greetings,
>>> I am about to create a figure in Draw for one of the Base Guide documents.  
>>> I can either create an external Draw file and insert that file into the 
>>> document, or I can use the embedded (OLE) Draw version and have the figure 
>>> embedded in the document.  The former requires the Draw file to be 
>>> maintained (saved) along with the document, risk being lost, and if lost, 
>>> need to be re-created if future editing is required.  The OLE version goes 
>>> with the document, has no additional file to maintain, and will always be 
>>> there for future editing.  I prefer the OLE style, but what is the 
>>> consensus of the documentation team?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Girvin Herr
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