One thing I noticed about disappearing graphics was that some figure graphics were attached "as characters"--a method that is used for inserting "inline" graphics along with the text. IOW, on a line of text, as a character. Figure graphics should be attached differently.

Whenever those figure graphics were "missing," they were still contained within the ODT file; however, they were invisible. I would detect them by hunting around with a cursor for their outlines--and then either delete them or cut-and-paste them to reattach them where they should have been--inside their figures. If I was unsure where the one I found was supposed to be (which figure), I would simply paste them somewhere at the end of the chapter file for storage, to be inserted afterward.


On 2/3/2014 1:33 PM, John Smith wrote:
Hi Gary
Happily for me, disappearing graphics have not been a problem for a long time now. With respect to the Writer guides, Milos has done some work and 'cleaned' them using some software routines. Unfortunately there appears to be some random changes made to some of the custom styles we use (not the coloured backgrounds to styles that are in the 'cleaned' files, but others). I have adopted the routine for Writer of copying and pasting content from the 'clean' files into a new v3_4 template in order to reset all the styles that have the same names, to those in the template. I am going to keep multiple copies for the time being. My earlier problem was with v4.2.0.3 and now we're into v4.2.0.4 I'm hoping it will be trouble free. Time will tell.

On 03/02/2014 04:09, Gary Schnabl wrote:
A recurring problem I occasionally encountered is having some (or all) of the Figure graphics disappearing in some (corrupted?) Writer chapter files for one reason or another--sometimes, even before any editing/rewriting was done to them. So, I would make multiple files in the process of editing docs in order to enable returning to an intermediate edited copy with its graphics still intact--thus not losing all that editing effort.


On 2/2/2014 2:03 PM, John Smith wrote:
Hi Gary
No, no idea why it crashed. I was just editing happily and it disappeared off screen, with no announcement, on one of the occasions, another occasion had the look of a 'standard' crash with warnings and recovery options. It was from one of these, after it took a good ten minutes to recover a document and something like five to six minutes to delete a single character that I did a copy/paste into a new clean template. I did this a couple of times all told during the work on the chapter. Copy/paste doesn't transfer over the edits, that is, the deleted or changed text, with or without 'Record Changes- Show' being enabled when copying is done. Hence the document not displaying changes made before pasting.

On 01/02/2014 22:52, Gary Schnabl wrote:
Do you have any idea why they crashed? Did you try a copy (Ctrl-A and Ctrl-C)-and-paste of the entire chapter file unto a clean, new ODT file from the most current template?


On 2/1/2014 5:33 PM, John Smith wrote:
 The GS Guide Ch4 has been uploaded to here;

Unfortunately, with this copy I had a lot of trouble with LO crashing and file corruption. There are almost no recorded changes prior to about page 21 and masses of deleted pages after the document ends. The chapter is good to go in spite of this.


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