On 28/05/2015 13:38, Marcus Mackaku wrote:

> Why do we not rather create one standard template for all versions or that 
> can be used across all versions?

A little more than a decade ago, somebody, probably Jean, made a
template for OpenOffice.org Documentation. Over time, that template has
been modified, to fit current practices, and document output.

By way of example:
* In LibO4.4.draft.ott, the modifications made it easier to export
content to ePub format, with minimal presentation markup loss;
* The cover page was changed, when _The Document Foundation_ was created;
* I _think_ that the same template is used, with Apache branding, rather
than OOo or LibO branding. (I'm not sure about this, because the Apache
documentation does not cover the current version of AOO;

_Maak je mooiste werkstuk met LibreOffice Writer_ uses the lightly
modified _LibreOffice handleidingen_. Dutch (The Netherlands) is the
default language, rather that English (US).

The Base documentation in German uses an older version of the template,
with a minor modification -- German (Germany) as the default language,
rather than English (US).

Both of those documents use a different font than the current
LibO4.4.draft, but I don't know if that is because the fonts changed
with LibO4.4.draft, or if the the default fonts for English don't work
as well for Dutch and German text.


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