Update on my last posting..... Andrew who works for Qantas has pointed this

*Limbach hold the type design so are the manufacturer despite not
fabricating the part. They hold the design and perform the conformity check
before raising the Form 1.*

*If you go straight to the “manufacturer” say of the cylinder head you will
get one identical to the Limbach one but shouldn’t have the Limbach part
number on it nor would it come with a Form 1 if it did it would be
considered a bogus part under the regs.*

*Limbach provide a licence to manufacturer to a company but as above they
must still control the design and conformity to the design*

Ah well...It was pleasant getting excited for a brief moment amongst all
this dampness here in NSW!


Rob Thompson
0429 493 828

On Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 9:28 AM Rob Thompson <amessageto...@gmail.com>

> G'day Blokes,
> This posting relates to regulations in Australia but there may be some
> sort of equivalent regulations in other countries.
> Below is the section on parts replacement from the Australian CASR
> https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2011C00973/Html/Volume_1#_Toc311721051
> Interesting that it says a spare part only requires  *"information that
> allows the part to be traced to its manufacturer"*
> This says to me that you don't have to purchase a part from Limbach....
> you can go direct to the manufacturer. Limbach does not manufacture much
> stuff.
> 42.445    Fitting standard parts
>          (1)   An individual who is carrying out maintenance on an
> aircraft or aeronautical product must not fit a standard part to the
> aircraft or aeronautical product unless the fitting of the part is
> permitted under:
>                 (a)    regulation 42.450; or  *(Rob's note - 42.450
> relates to parts which have been previously removed from the aircraft)*
>                (b)    subregulation (2).
>          (2)   For paragraph (1) (b), the standard part may be fitted if:
>                 (a)    the standard part is serviceable; and
>                (b)    the standard part is accompanied by:
>                           (i)    information that identifies the
> specification with which the part complies; and
>                          (ii)    information that allows the part to be
> traced to its manufacturer; and
>                 (c)    the standard part is accompanied by evidence that
> the standard part complies with the specification; and
>                (d)    the standard part is eligible to be fitted to the
> aircraft or the aeronautical product; and
>                 (e)    if the manufacturer of the standard part has
> specified a storage life for the part — the storage life for the part has
> not expired.
> regards
> Rob
> Rob Thompson
> 0429 493 828
> On Sat, Mar 20, 2021 at 2:30 PM Ian Mc Phee <mrsoar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> My understanding if you have a prop stroke then the bulk strip can be
>> done by a LAME organisation (that is qualified) or aviation engine
>> rebuilder.  There are still some Aviation engine re builders around that
>> are good on VWs
>> A friend 2 or 3 years ago convinced himself the engine had an issue
>> (about 800hrs tt) and was pulled down by some VW person in Victoria. I
>> explained he had to go to a CASA engine re builder which he did then.
>> Platinum 300 in Victoria found no issues but chose to fit new rings and
>> bearings like a rebuild (aircraft was bought from an estate so sat around
>> for 6 years) .  They had to have on file ALL manuals and chose to get the
>> heads OH by the old guy here who did lots of aero enterprises machine work.
>> The reason for the rebuild was faulty mechanical fuel pump!
>> We in Australia now can go  hours "on condition" in most aircraft
>> (excluding charter but includes training).  Thus as I see it he just keeps
>> flying well beyond the 1000hrs subject to oil consumption etc.
>> During last 200hrs I get oil analysis (I now use ALS), wash out oil
>> filter core in blue icecream container and examine with head lens.  I place
>> a magnet on outside of oil filter and always fit a digital CHT that
>> monitors all four cylinders.
>> If compression is good and oil temps and pressures then keep flying in
>> GFA must mirror CASA requirements I believe.
>> Personally I am over chasing up genuine parts except where parts are
>> critical.
>> Ian McPhee
>> 0428847642
>> Box 657 Byron Bay NSW 2481
>> On Sat, 20 Mar 2021, 11:17 Rob Thompson <amessageto...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks Tom!
>>> A limbach is a very expensive rebranded VW motor. Example... I recently
>>> dismantled a L2400 which is based on the Type 25 VW. The main and cam
>>> bearings were just "off the shelf" Kolbenschmidt. Limbach is charging you
>>> about 300 euros extra to change the boxes they come in.
>>> If you can get your aircraft registered as an experimental aircraft,
>>> this is the place to buy Aero VW engine parts at reasonable prices....
>>> https://www.greatplainsas.com/
>>> Profit driven....yes certainly but I also think there are mounting
>>> liability and insurance issues which has everyone running scared. Including
>>> me!
>>> regards
>>> Rob
>>> Rob Thompson
>>> 0429 493 828
>>> On Sat, Mar 20, 2021 at 1:55 AM Tom Preisser <t...@ecoflight.com> wrote:
>>>> Afterthought... I consider you Rob, given your lengthy experience and
>>>> depth of thought, to be a grandmaster of these motors. You too Ian.
>>>> On Fri, Mar 19, 2021, 07:51 Tom Preisser <t...@ecoflight.com> wrote:
>>>>> Not yet... They offered a one week  "maintenance" course   previously
>>>>> that, if I understood correctly, that then qualified one to rebuild. Top
>>>>> end only ? I wonder if this is merely a profit based decision, rather than
>>>>> a technical issue. What would dear Mr Porsche feel, praytell ? I am 
>>>>> afraid,
>>>>> however, that they have us by the shorties as far as Limbach manufactured
>>>>> parts are concerned. Case halves are probably the biggest item I can think
>>>>> of.
>>>>> I wonder what their authorized service stations are capable of ?
>>>>> On Fri, Mar 19, 2021, 00:02 Ian Williams <i...@agcon.co.nz> wrote:
>>>>>> Yep
>>>>>> Ian W
>>>>>> *From:* dog@lists.riverland.net.au *On Behalf Of *Rob Thompson
>>>>>> *Sent:* Friday, 19 March 2021 7:51 p.m.
>>>>>> *To:* dog@lists.riverland.net.au
>>>>>> *Subject:* [DOG mailing list] Limbach engine rebuilds
>>>>>> G'day Everyone,
>>>>>> I recently had the Limbach factory questioning about me rebuilding
>>>>>> their motors.
>>>>>> I have Australian qualifications to rebuild 4 stroke motors in motor
>>>>>> gliders and recreational aircraft but Limbach seem to be saying that any 
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> their motors requiring a bottom end rebuild need to be shipped back to 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> factory (at great expense).
>>>>>> I am suspicious that they may start refusing to sell parts.
>>>>>> Unfortunately we don't have Nigel  available to sort out these issues.
>>>>>> Currently, in Australia we also have many legal liability
>>>>>> difficulties for anyone working on certified aircraft. It really is all
>>>>>> getting too hard for anyone like me.
>>>>>> Anyone else had issues like this?
>>>>>> regards
>>>>>> Rob
>>>>>> Rob Thompson
>>>>>> 0429 493 828

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