Dear DOG colleagues
Many thanks for all your responses - all very helpful.
I identified the belt as 10 mm wide and 520 mm (20.5 inches) outside perimeter. I was very lucky that the local transmission shop had one slightly smaller and one slightly larger.  I bought both! The smaller one simply wouldn't fit.  The larger one was perfect. There's very little adjustment available between the generator hitting the crankcase and the generator hitting the exhaust pipe. I had to loosen the big bolt under the generator just to squeeze the belt over the generator pulley.  I could re-tighten that bolt but no way I could replace the lock wire.  But I think it will be okay without it. If you ever have the engine out I would _strongly_ recommend spending $20 to replace the generator belt.  Easy then . . . . but a full day's work otherwise.
Airborne again :-)
Best wishes to all

On 24/11/21 2:19 am, Tom Preisser wrote:
10x520 Li Z 20.5 CONTI-V

On Mon, Nov 22, 2021, 22:34 Martyn <> wrote:

    Dear DOG colleagues
    I urgently need to spec for the generator belt on the Limbach
    engine in
    my H36 Dimona.
    It's frayed and I need to replace it, and I have a flying
    commitment in
    1 day.  So I need to try and find one, and then go about
    installing it.
    A very prompt reply would be appreciated . . . .
    Warmest regards

    ZK-GPH New Zealand


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