Le 06/11/2014 12:51, Marcos García a écrit :
But why don't you report bugs in your community forum? I mean, I am a moderator of dolibarr.es <http://dolibarr.es> forum and end-users post there the problems they are having and I debug them and if I consider there is a bug I report it with all the details required.
I've done that even if I think as well a forum should not be used to declare bugs. It will save a lot of time to moderators if users could check by themselves easily before posting on the forum if a bug is already known in a bug tracker and can add their comments. By the way, I've posted the fix in the forum as well but I guess nothing will happen. There is no history about this issue and another end user won't probably find the fix on the forum.

Several months ago we talked about upgrading doliforge but it seems that it is no going to happen...
I don't know if upgrading of changing the bug tracker is the solution. It should be a decision coming from the development team as it is probably a quite big work for limited resources. But for sure, the current process could be enhanced if developpers want to get feedback from end users.
Best regards.


    *Marcos García*

    marcos...@gmail.com <mailto:marcos...@gmail.com>

2014-11-06 1:10 GMT+01:00 Francois Couque <fcou...@infimo.fr <mailto:fcou...@infimo.fr>>:

    I consider myself as an end-user of Dolibarr and I have great
    respect for the small team of developpers of this project. I test
    beta versions and sometimes even git snapshots. I'm willing to
    help for tests but if you are an end user and you want to report a
    bug, it's nearly impossible.
    First , you need to look at the known or already reported bugs.
    That's not easy to find where you have to look for that as there
    is no public access. When you find what it seems the right place,
    you just cannot look at them without an account. I found that very
    weird for an open source project.
    Then you can submit a bug which will probably never be assigned or
    get comments if you're not  a developper. Even if the fix is
    described in the bug report. I don't blame someone. I just
    describe the way it currently works. Moreover if you just open an
    account which will needs days to be validated just to look at the
    known bugs, your account will be closed after a while.  That's
    only my experience and I guess many others users have probably
    given up like myself.
    If you want more end users reporting bugs and testing beta/ RC
    versions, just let them accessing the bugs databases freely , let
    them know the process of submitting or commenting a bug, let them
    help as end users. Not everybody can help as a developper.
    Listening to the end users , being able to get their feedback
    could be also indeed useful.
    There is probably a lot more end users than you think who are
    willing to help and submit bug report if they think it can be usefull.
    As a end user, 1 year seems way too much between 2 releases for me
    especially when you're waiting for or need a new feature. "Stable"
    versions will have old bugs and new bugs whatever the release
    cycle is anyway, I know. It would be more easily accepted if the
    bugs database was more exhaustive and public.
    My €0.02

    Le 05/11/2014 10:56, Christophe Battarel a écrit :
    Not sure it will work but we can try... i dont know many end
    users who tests beta versions; usually they wait for the "stable"
    release and they report bugs at this time (look at the posts in
    french forums when 3.6 was out...)
    For what i understand from your RC stuff, if we take an example
    with 3.5.x releases, 3.5.0 should have been the first RC and
    3.5.5 the stable release ?

    Le 05/11/2014 10:24, Doursenaud, Raphaël a écrit :
    Agreed that testing on an ERP is no easy feat.
    But I support the idea of a public RC. Advertised efficiently,
    it would be a good way to get users into the pool.
    After all an RC is supposed to be stable, it's what we want to
    release. It has already passed the beta stages and we consider
    this should be the final product so it shouldn't have any major
    Ideally consecutive betas and RCs should be published at a fixed
    rate, eg. once a week so there is enough time between each to
    make some work.
    Also, when done correctly, the final release _is_ the last RC.


    2014-11-05 0:40 GMT+01:00 Jacques PYRAT <jpy...@gmail.com

        charles...@benke.fr <mailto:charles...@benke.fr> a écrit le
        05/11/2014 00:13 :

            The establishment on an "visible" RC version (in the .fr
            and .org website) will permit users (not necessarily
            developer) to test more in depth version of this
            qualification and return faults detected. This is
            probably also to us to "educate" our clients to back the
            bugs. everyone will win.


        I'm an end user of Dolibar.
        I'm here because I contribute to an other Open source
        Project (SPIP)
        And so, I use to read developpers discussion to anticipate

        With SPIP, testing RC is OK.
        But with Dolibarr, testing is dangerous !
        I don't think that any en user would be confident testing RC
        given the risk to loose essential data !

        My 2 cents,

-- Jacques — www.pyrat.net <http://www.pyrat.net>

        Dolibarr-dev mailing list
        Dolibarr-dev@nongnu.org <mailto:Dolibarr-dev@nongnu.org>

-- *Raphaël Doursenaud*
    Directeur technique (CTO)
    Expert certifié en déploiement Google Apps
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-- Christophe Battarel
    Responsable technique
    sarl altairis
    Informatique et Web en Grésivaudan
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    38570 Goncelin
    09 52 71 70 96 (appel local)
    cont...@altairis.fr  <mailto:cont...@altairis.fr>

    Dolibarr-dev mailing list
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-- Francois Couque
    Directeur Associé

    1 Rue de la Justice
    91830 Auvernaux

fcou...@infimo.fr <mailto:fcou...@infimo.fr>

    Dolibarr-dev mailing list
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