It's not only a question of integrator... I agree with you Laurent and I have made the choices you propose...

Many dolibarr's users (most ?) doesn't ask for technical help. They go to the Dolibarr web site, download the last version, install it and go to the Dolistore. They buy extension, install it and.... "sometimes" it doesn't work... I have had so many problen switching to 3.9 with different module from different sources...
For this kind of people version number is not a significant information...

Having a release every 1 year, means nor integrator, nor users have choice.
A 6 month cycle release for an ERP as no interest for users . They live on very more long time... No company will ask to have an upgrade every 6 month so why giving them a version every 6 months...
Also it means a lower quality and exponentiel work to make upgrade.
Can you detail this point ? Devops approach ? So why not release every 3 months to achieve better quality ?

I think we can have two level : one for the developpers and integrator and one for the users for example like LibreOffice with "fresh" and "stable" version. The stable version is a long term support version and is by default proposed to the users...

Sorry if my languages seems to be "rude", but my english is very poor as you can see and it's difficult for me to "mettre les formes"
I do not want to create a flameware :-)
Just discuss....


Philippe Scoffoni

Dolibarr-dev mailing list

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