On Wednesday 23 Jun 2010, Sean Gibbins wrote:
> As I recall UNR was a non-starter for EeePC 700 - slow to the point of
> being unusable, possibly on account of it being optimised for other
> hardware (Intel Atom?), or simply due to the lack of resources on the
> EeePC.

Was that with an earlier version of UNR?  My wife's EEE 900 has the same 
processor and RAM as the 700 and she seems to be pretty happy with it.

The big problem with the 700 is the screen size.  I'm on the lookout for a 
bigger netbook for Mum, possibly a Dell Mini 10 or some such.  I could then 
give her a real upgrade, including the display, which has really been the only 
complaint she's had with it in two years of use. 

                Terry Coles
                64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux

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