Over heat that fast ! I didn't know.

Condensation - Ah, Good point.

> > Can a CPU overheat so quickly ( after about 10 seconds) ?
> Test it -- take the heat-sink off your desktop and see how long it lasts.  
> Given its also got time to boot into memtest etc. I'd say yeah they'll  
> easily get hot enough to trigger a thermal cut-out.
> > Sounds crazy but could you test this by putting it in the fridge or
> > freezer and then see how long it lasts after boot ?
> I wouldn't advise risking the rest of the laptop exposed to condensation ;)
> If its easy enough I'd take it apart remove the one stick of RAM you can  
> and then re-test the thing. After that it would be an easy job to replace  
> the stick and continue as normal. This would also give you a chance to  
> clean the thing out and check that heatsinks etc. are seated properly

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