Hi Clive,

I guess you mean Mint 20.2? You should do Mint upgrades this way, as
suggested by the Mint team: https://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=3946, and then
update to Mint 20.1/20.2. Unless of course you're doing a fresh install :)


On 22/02/2021 18:36, CA Wills wrote:
> As I last said I'd report outcome of this weekends trials:-
> Everything worked fine over the weekend on the Huawei HG633 router, so
> laptop wireless OK.
> Late this afternoon re-installed the Sagecom Super Router (after
> router reset) and after checking with other wireless kit it worked but
> still my laptop did not connect!  Looked as if it was trying to
> connect to next door (Next door is on channel 6!!) but wireless
> details were incorrect obviously! Looking around the settings the
> router was set on Channel _11_, changed to channel 1 and all fine.
> Don't understand why it tried channel 11 as it has never been set
> before and the tablet had connected OK.
> Will leave it all 'as is' and see if any changes take place in the
> next week or so.  Still not sure what caused the problem, which I
> don't like but will stick with it.
> Thanks again for all the suggestions and help. hope this is 'it' for a
> few weeks and no changes to anything now until  the OS Mint update
> comes in April when I hope to upgrade to Mint 20.04 with a live disc.
> See you next week on Jitsi.
> Happy Bunny
> On 20/02/2021 14:38, PeterMerchant wrote:
>> On 20/02/2021 13:01, Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty wrote:
>>> I haven't been following this, but have you checked for a firmware
>>> update for the router that might fix the issue?
>>> Hamish
>>> On 20/02/2021 12:56, CA Wills wrote:
>>>> Started a new email on this subject due to delays in replying. We have
>>>> been relaying our patio during the week between rain showers, so have
>>>> not had a clear time slot to 'play'.
>>>> Update today.  1200hrs.
>>>> Removed all connections from the TT Super(?) Router and replaced using
>>>> the very old previous Huawei HG633 router.
>>>> After reconnecting to old HG633 router and checking I had wireless set
>>>> up, it showed that Lily's Tablet had connected automatically via
>>>> wireless.
>>>> Then set up my laptop (wireless) and it connected OK; moved into the
>>>> Living room and still connected; proved that the _laptop_ wireless is
>>>> OK.  Checked speed and appears no loss in speed.
>>>> Conclusion is that something on the 'new' router has upset 'my' link.
>>>> As we need the wireless connection for tomorrow morning, I'm staying
>>>> with the 'old' router till after lunch.
>>>> Next stage is to reconnect the 'new' router after setting it back to
>>>> default, will then check if wireless is OK again.  Hoping that may
>>>> clear whatever upset my wireless.
>>>> If all goes well then end of problem.  If I still can't connect the
>>>> laptop but all else is OK will get onto TT, report the problem and ask
>>>> for a replacement router (can but hope!).  As Peter reported a while
>>>> back he had a similar problem with one item being rejected connection,
>>>> I believe that was also with a TT router.
>>>> Thanks for all the suggestions and help, will email when done
>>>> reconnecting tomorrow.
>> My problem was with the TT Sagemcom 'super'-router, and the one wired
>> computer not connecting. This was after I think TT had upgraded the
>> firmware and reset it to factory defaults.
>> Peter

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