On 12/05/2024 16:46, Terry Coles wrote:
$ telnet -4 bitfolk.com 54321
     telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

I'm not sure what all that means.  The American author of the code has

I've just worked out what Ralph was saying, and I get exactly the same
result when I try to telnet into my static IP address.

This all worked four years ago when I was testing the server
installation prior to deployment at WMT.  The only difference between
the setup then and the setup now, is that back then I was using mains
power signalling adapters to get an Ethernet connection to my workshop. 
Sometime between then and now, my power adapters failed, so I am now
using a WiFi Extender with an Ethernet port.  Could that have any
bearing?  I can ping and ssh into the server on (the static
IP of the server on the router side) from my PC on

Terry Coles

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